Luis Maimoni, LMFT

Marriage and Family Therapist in Long Beach, California

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Interviews on Aggression

LucentTALKS has published a series of interviews with thought leaders in various fields. Here, Luis is interviewed on the topic of “aggression.”

Parenting in the Pandemic

Your child is probably even more stressed than you are. Why? Imagine feeling all the stress you’re feeling, but with less control over the outcomes. If your child is “acting out,” it might not be intentional misbehavior – it might be feelings of stress or anxiety being expressed through misbehavior.

Love More. Fight Less.

If you are in a relationship where trust is difficult, it may help for you to understand the emotions driving your partner’s trust-busting behaviors. In practical terms, this means understanding that behind everything that you are being asked to give (the negative), there is a longing, and behind that longing, a positive need.

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