Now offering in person therapy sessions. 

Hi. My name is Luis Maimoni. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in relationships of all kinds.

Relationships with partners, with friends and family, and with co-workers are vital parts of our lives. When our relationships are great, we feel great. When our relationships are “having difficulties” or “experiencing challenges”, so are we. If you’re reading this, my guess is that one or more of your relationships is not in the “great” category. I can relate.

Many years ago, when my first marriage was breaking down, I felt alone and confused. I sought therapy to figure out what was going on, why it was happening, and what to do about it. The work led to my study of of every kind of relationship, from every perspective imaginable.

In a long since deleted blog post, I wrote “relationships are a lot more complicated than I thought they would be.” It would be my honor to work with you to uncomplicate yours.

Relationship Specialist

    • Relationships of all types
    • Infidelity
    • Sex addiction
    • Anger Management
    • Men’s Issues
    • Sexuality, including Kink, Fetish, Poly
    • Parenting Children and Adolescents


Happiness is possible right now—but happiness cannot be without suffering.

–Thich Nhat Hanh in his article “No Mud, No Lotus”

Client Testimonials

My clients often express how our sessions have provided them with a safe and supportive space to explore their feelings and challenges. Here’s what some of them have shared:

  • Feeling Understood and Supported: “I feel like it’s a very safe space to work through whatever issues I have. I really appreciate you advocating for me in our conversations. I feel very supported.”
  • Gaining Insight and Clarity: “It can be challenging, sometimes revelatory. Humbling too. But it’s worth it.”
  • Honest and Direct Guidance: “I like that you’re direct. You can make quick assessments of situations and follow up directly on that.”


You may view my schedule and book your initial consultation here, or contact me using the form below.

Click here to see the fee structure for therapy sessions.
Your initial consultation is no charge/no obligation.

(562) 537-0678     |     Send Email

Schedule an Appointment

I look forward to helping you make the first step toward your well-being.


How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb?

~~~Just one, but the light bulb has to want to change.  #DadJokes


Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y? #MoreDadJokes